Thursday, February 4, 2010

Viennese Classical Period Blog Assignment


Your job in this assignment is to research a musical topic from the Classical Era. Choose one of the following topics or come up with your own and have Mr. Allder approve it.

Possible topics include: Biography of a composer (Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven, Paganini), development of Classical instruments (piano), development of musical styles (sonata, symphony, opera, etc.). When you have completed your research, publish a blog post which includes pictures, links, musical examples, etc. You must link to any online sources and give credit to those sources. Below is the timeline for the assignment:

Thursday,2/4/10: Choose topic and begin research.
Next A Day: Complete research and begin composing blog post.
Third A Day: Finalize blog post including multimedia content and publish.

_____Content - 400 words.
_____Links to sources/related articles.
_____At least 2 pictures related to your content.
_____Music playlist html embedded (if possible) BONUS 50 pts for first person to find a non-blocked playlist site. 10 pts for everyone after who uses a playlist in their post.