Monday, April 12, 2010

Early 20th Century Music Research Assignment

Example of a 12 tone-row used in Serialism


Your job in this assignment is to research the changes in music that occurred during the early part of the 20th Century.

In particular, focus on the experimentation that took place in the areas of "serious" music, technological advances, listener's preferences, and how all of this impacted the increasing rise of "popular" music including ragtime, blues, jazz, etc. When you have completed your research, publish a blog post which includes pictures, links, musical examples, etc. You must link to any online sources and give credit to those sources.

Jazz Great - Louis Armstrong

Below is the timeline for the assignment:

Monday, 4/12/10: Choose your focus and Begin research.
Wednesday, 4/14/10: Complete research and begin composing blog post.
Friday, 4/16/10: Finalize blog post including multimedia content and publish.

_____Content - 400 words. [70 pts]
_____Links to sources/related articles. [10 pts]
_____At least 2 pictures related to your content. [10 pts]
_____Music Playlist embedded ( [10 pts]

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